Your account name

this is my RL nickname and most persons back home don't even know my real name, so i stick with it in every forum.
@Darkoooo - I was thinking this same thing the other day. :smiley:

I'm a generic person, so I have a generic name. The most generic I could think of. Bob is not my name IRL. I am not a beautiful or unique snowflake, so neither is my name.
Several years ago I picked up the nickname "mus" (dutch for "sparrow") in RL. The story involves a lot of beer, a girl who got the nickname "kip" (dutch for "chicken"), and the invention of a new religion (we're still working on pamphlets).

Of course, 3-character names are nearly always taken on popular sites. So after trying "mus" and "muz" on one I finally settled on "muzzz". It stuck.
Ive been a bit of a fighter ever since I was a kid. Practicing martial arts and competing against people in physical combat has always given me kicks and giggles. When I was a teen I picked up a fascination with "ronin" which literally means drifting person, but refers to wanderless samurai. Independent wanderers, rogues, mercenaries, body guards, who were often referred to in a bad light, but had the potential to be so much more if they maintained the values of bushido in combination with thier free will. Eventually the name kinda stuck with me and I named my Doberman ronin, hence roninDOG.

Mine came as an honor to the greatest NBA coach of all times... let's see how many of you would know who is it...
mine stands for two words: medication station.

my story behind it isn't long at all- i am planning on going to pharmacy school to be a pharmacist.
ZeN said:
Mine came as an honor to the greatest NBA coach of all times... let's see how many of you would know who is it...
What does that have to do with Red Auerbach? :)

Back on topic...
crazymatt was my original online nick, but the first time I registered for a free email address, it made me add a number to the end (even though there was no crazymatt). I've been crazymatt1 ever since. Strangely, my name IRL is Matthew. I hate being called Matt!
My nick is a typo of Callandor - the powerful sword from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. I remembered to check the correct spelling but that was after registering...
Maybe it's better this way...

@crazymatt1: I first thought that you were from Finland because Matti is a Finnish name :azn:
Back in the day I used to play Everquest and the random name generator coughed up Yiuman as the name for my Erudite Shadow Knight (not my first character, but the one I really loved and played the most). I kinda liked it and I've been using it in games/online ever since (funnily enough, I've never given it to a D2 character, maybe because it just feels wrong to give it to just one character amongst many I guess....).
Well I play mainly Paladins, so that was obvious, then I wanted to make a play on the word Paladin with an Australian flavour. So adding "Dingo". Dingo also worked because they are a scavenger (ie MF Paladin) and I have extra time for dingoes because they get a bad rap from the public who aren't smart enough to understand the animal properly.
Ducky was a nickname I had in elementry school. One of my old classmates came to the same university and reminded me, so I became the ex-ducky which turned into xduckster.
"Miko" is spanish (Colombian Spanish, specifically) for "Monkey'. For reasons that escape me, I've always thought it was a great word. "El", obviously, is merely a definite article, here... not the most obnoxious rune in the D2 'verse.
well come on, who wouldn't drink God if he was a coke????!!!!
Think about it.....:scratch:

I thought so :wink3:

I don't particularily like coke, and I'm pretty indifferent to God, so I'd probably pass... :wink2:

As for my forum name, I'd say it's origin can be adequately explained in two words:
idle childishness

It's the name of my Nob.

No, seriously.

I used to play Games Workshop wargames (Warhammer, Warhammer 40k). Games Workshop used to make a related spinoff game called Gorkamorka, and I played it quite a lot. You lead a group of Orks, called a 'mob', into battle with other mobs, and the Ork in charge of your mob is called the 'Nob'. 'Nazdakka' is the name of my mob's Nob - according to the back of the book it means 'Rich and Shooty' in Orkish.

When I was choosing a screen name for use on the internet, I was stuck for ideas. Then it hit me - why not use 'Nazdakka'? It's distinctive, and noone else is likely to be using it. And so I have been Nazdakka ever since.
Okay, confession time…
I’m a little dyslectic. So my spelling is crap and I often miss a word I’ve spelt horribly wrong (spell check is my friend that doesn’t always travel with me).
Where am I going with this? My login was never meant to be Sinningthings (it sounds so mean…vile). I was supposed to be Shiningthings. As in all the neat bits lying around on the plush grasses of the Bloody More. More or less what draws me to the game the most.
You should have seen me trying to log in for the second time!
So there it is. I feel better.
Well, here is my story. My rl name is Teemu and people use to call me Teme. Then, one of my friends started to call me Temex (or something like that, can`t remember for sure). I started to use TemeXis as a nick, but I wanted to get even shorter and a bit cooler nick... :tongue: So, allow me to present my final transformation from TemeXis to TmX. :smiley:
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