Quitting D2 + forum

You can go, Phar - but you can never leave.
I think it was Nietzche who once said, "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into the SPF forum the SPF forum also gazes into you."
Hey pharphis. Just checked in randomly. I wish you the best. It was fun chatting with you :)
this is unacceptable... expect a msg from my lawyer :glares at Pyro:

in all seriousness, gl on rl adventuress & may all drops be green and gold (and orange!) for you.

come back when you're ready... D2 is a patient mistress

Zemaj, I thought you were more original than this. I guess I was wrong. :p
Hey man.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the good MP, mafia games, chats, etc. over the years. I guess I never left as officially this, but I can relate to your post - best of luck with everything.

Shoutouts to FoE for partially rushing my second HC char in Marchish 2012 and giving me some noob caster gear - this char became my first blizz sorc and did about 6k AT runs :D

edit: he rushed me so I would be ready in time for the pre-D3 MFO iirc
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This was posted during one of my D2 breaks, so I missed it first time around, but I just want to say @pharphis - Good luck in real life, have fun, don't die, kick ass!

/falcon punch
Ah, so you're doing an organizing stashes service? Awesome 21k items enrote.

Any other takers for this fine service?


This should keep him here for a while. Muahahahaha.
Estimated market value