Quitting D2 + forum

I really enjoyed reading your posts / watching your stream / seeing all the goodies you found in HC.
I hope you muster up the perseverance and attention span needed to get through grad school without much hassle, and like many others said, balance is key.
You could always give yourself a time, like 10 mins/day to come to the forums or so ^^. That's how I did it when I had to study :).
I have to reject your request to leave the forums. From now on, you will spend two hours and make 20 posts a week here and attend a weekly online meeting with the mods every Monday. End of transmission!

Seriously, real life will catch up sooner or later, once schooling/studies become more intense, you started a family, got a job or whatever. However, it doesn't mean that you have to stop your old hobbies altogether, you just have to organize your spare time instead of doing what you feel like when you feel like it. Allow yourself to spend a certain amount of time per day or week with things which are told to be pointless, silly or childish. If you like to do a particular thing, but you start believing that it's a waste or "reason" tells you that there are better things to, that's wrong. If it's fun, then it's not a waste. Reason alone does not give people a life worth living.
I feel you man. The problem with most of us D2 junkies is that we can't really do anything half-baked- either we're completely in or completely out. This can cause disruptions if you allow it to, especially as life starts to get more complicated and hectic. We all have to figure out our balance, know when to call it quits for a while, and realize when things are slipping a bit too far. I'm glad to see this community is supportive of those who choose to take a break or quit- there are other places where there is negative pressure to continue that can be dangerous for many who are struggling to quit. I'm actually in the middle of a break from playing myself!
Just for the record, I would "disLike" the first post if I had that option.

Good luck Phar! Keep up the studies and see you later! Interests change over time and that's not big deal. Stay Thirsty, my friend.

*goes back to current civ V obsession
Safe travels. Will miss reading your posts. Drop by now and then to say hey, if you will. I lurk more than I post, and take huge breaks, but can't stay completely gone.
Good luck with everything Pharphis, am only just returning to D2 after a 6 month hiatus myself. All the best and hope all goes well for you, you will be missed.
GG, my friend, GG.
Tempted to roll GCs with ~2k pgems before sending my 1.13 stuff for the giveaway, and streaming it. I've been slowly gathering them (mostly through trades) for pretty much the entirety of my playing 1.07.
Hmm or you gieb so instead of rolling 10k pgems I can aim for 12.5k pgems or even 15k pgems. OMG
Hey phar. Best luck with RL and catching up with what you need to do, and making RL a priority. Thank you for all you've added to the forums, and helping to keep it such a friendly and great place. Hopefully you'll stick around a little bit, but I understand your decision.
Best wishes!
Hey Pharph

First time I'm logging on in quite some time. Been forever really.

Sad to see a valued member of this community retire but I definitely gotta wish you all the best in real life. Fun times back in the day, for sure.

Regards mate.
I blame solar for my quitting because he quit way earlier and left me dazed and confused :D
shh I haven't left yet. Not until I set up my 1.13 stashes which I've been too lazy to do
You can go, Phar - but you can never leave.

We'll see you again once the cobwebs clear and things are in a better place.

That's how it always is :)
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