One, Two, Buckle my Shoe - Item Find Thread - Mar 2021

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Sooo first time trying to shop assassin claws, wanted to lay traps faster in D2R. Shopping claws sucks I found out real quick. After 6 hours or so best I had was a +5 and here it is.


Someone with more experience please tell me is this the sort of thing I should be excited for? and now I should try to larzuk it for 2 sockets right? for a trapsin, is there something better, like would death sentry be better as +5 or is LS preferred? Am I likely to ever hit +6? seems like it might take a while and I'm not sure how much I want to actually do this. Someone talk at me about dual claw trapsin
Sooo first time trying to shop assassin claws, wanted to lay traps faster in D2R. Shopping claws sucks I found out real quick. After 6 hours or so best I had was a +5 and here it is.
Someone with more experience please tell me is this the sort of thing I should be excited for? and now I should try to larzuk it for 2 sockets right? for a trapsin, is there something better, like would death sentry be better as +5 or is LS preferred? Am I likely to ever hit +6? seems like it might take a while and I'm not sure how much I want to actually do this. Someone talk at me about dual claw trapsin
It's really great. In theory it could be better (greater talons have 36 dex lower requirements than runics) but this is really good claw. Fastest base with -30 IAS is what you really want. Death sentry isn't really important because you want it for corpse explosion and that doesn't scale with DS levels. Nor are any other staffmods really - it's cool utility that's generally not needed. Larzuking those things is always horrible. I've had one 1os which completely ruined me. As far as +6 or +5... +6 is probably better for damage output in pve, +2 assassin (the one which you got) is better for pvp because of added utility. +6 ones are stupid rare. I've never got one (~40h of shopping iirc). Can run the math on drop odds but you would likely just quit shopping for +6 :D

I think your best cause of action is getting another +5/6 runics or GT and get 45 IAS on your gear (usually 30 IAS in claw and 15 ias in shako). That should give you fastest trap laying speed without BoS, so you will be able to run Fade. C/C trappers are really good but getting claws is gross.
@frozzzen Thank you so much for the help. I found another +5 last night after deciding to shop more but this time in a scissors quhab base :/ I'll probably keep shopping since I still can tolerate it and I think it'd be cool to mess around with another variation of the build. Now that I know what's doable at least
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You can make that base work no problem but it does require some screwing around.

I'll spare you details of math, but if your quhab gets 2os you can use it. You'd need to put Shael in it for maximum trap laying speed and then dex+something jewel that will allow you to equip Runic Talons. That way your quhab will always be equipped first because dex from it will require you to use Runics. With this setup because of WSM bug you'd need 19 IAS on your gear (except for secondary claw) to hit max trap laying speed you can use either shael or 2 x 15 ias + something jewels.

But you have to get 2os or it wouldn't work. You need to get 20 IAS on your gear somehow and you need dex on your quhab.
So the way I see this would work is..

quhab 2os -> 15IAS/res jewel + dex/res jewel
runics 2os -> 2 x req/res jewel
shako -> 15IAS/res jewel


quhab 2os -> 20IAS shael rune + dex/res jewel
runics 2os -> 2 x req/res jewel
shako -> free socket

-req jewels on your runics aren't needed but they'd lower their requirements from 115 to 80 for more total life on your char.

EDIT: just to note that WSM bug was fixed in D2R and you really need 2 x runics/GT there to hit fastest trap laying speed with fade. In d2 legacy above stuff still works.
Some cool rares:
(Got BK and Wisp very early on. Hadn't found Wisp in Legacy...)

This Amazon has been on fire when it comes to rune drops:
By level 87 she had found Jah, Lo, Ist, Um, 2x Lem. She is clearing big groups but that's a lucky haul for sure.

She also found 3os 11ed Dusk Shroud:
My zealot has had some luck with unique rings while questing. Found a dwarf star while searching for the damned waypoint!
Q1dwarfstar.png Q1dwarfstarR.png

I still enjoy running maggot lair with my Natalya's Odium fire trapper, and today the PRNG rewarded her very nicely.
K8sgmb.png K8umugt.png

I remember reading here and here in the SPF that D2R no longer has the legacy (1.14 and previous) assassin trap bug, in which each deployed fire-skill sentry trap decreases the total number of unique and champion encounters in a dungeon level. (For example, in a pit map that normally got seven or eight encounters, a fire trapper would only see three or four, all usually close to the entrance.) That bug doesn't seem to affect maggot tunnel boss packs, because in my observations, the game never puts more than four unique/champion encounters in a level there anyway, no matter what character class or skills are used.

I still choose to play 1.14. I don't encounter any fire immunes among maggots, and Wakes of Inferno quickly clear bugs and beetles out of tight tunnels. I got lucky with nice maps that make for quick access to maggot level 3 (an alvl-85 run target). Thus, I have learned to enjoy occasional MF runs there, and it's nice to see them pay off a little bit.
Had a level 77 zealer sitting in act 1 so he got a promotion to a hammerdin. He got to wear the Enigma and did one run in the Pits:

That's just silly. As you can see he's using a Spirit CS and no CTA. So that's Enigma before Hoto or CTA which is a bit unusual but what I think is borderline crazy is that I still haven't found Viper, Skullders or Tal's armor for the sorceress...
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