Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Same thing on PC - Win 10, Firefox 47.0.1

I hate you Cathan ! I have got a 2nd or even third Cathan's Mesh today. Now I have 5-6 of them. Really.

Another edit:

L49 ! Baal dropped nothing of interest, except Iratha's set crown. Decrepified Baal can't clone ! I will run him 1-2 times and go to bed. I'm embedding my full ATMA report.
Last edited:
It is very hard to meet people when you don't enjoy clubbing or going out drinking. THe like-minded people never know comfortable, quiet places to meet up. And the people you do meet don't understand why you don't enjoy noisy clubs or want to hang out while they're drinking.
There are people out there who would be great to meet, but it is harder than socialites, and no one really can answer it for you.

If the uni are paying to speak to someone, it might be a good idea to take them up on it. The person may not be the correct person, but try keep an open mind, and if things aren't really going anywhere after a decent number of attempts, ask if he could refer someone who might be more... understanding or experienced with your thoughts.

Also, go for the PhD. You may or may not use it in the future, but it keeps you occupied and learning something you've studied. Hopefully it helps out in the future, but it's still an achievement that a good number of people never do.
That is very sound advice and much better written than my gibberish - there's a reason to finish your PhD!*)

Socialising isn't easy when you're introvert and a nondrinker - nonclubber etc. I go out to events to then find that I'm fantastically awkward and silly things come out. Though my ex bf would kindly say I'm quirky (and that he liked that).

*) This is just me being vexed that I was not allowed to finish my school and as a result not being able to study ie. go to uni. I had to work and have lots of working experience, but appearantly that is irrelevant as it's not experience that seems to matter, but a paper. Even without experience you're more likely to get hired. Now I'm old and the papers begin to matter, and I have no idea where to start. Being surrounded by well educated people only, it's particularly vexing.
That is very sound advice and much better written than my gibberish - there's a reason to finish your PhD!*)

Socialising isn't easy when you're introvert and a nondrinker - nonclubber etc. I go out to events to then find that I'm fantastically awkward and silly things come out. Though my ex bf would kindly say I'm quirky (and that he liked that).

*) This is just me being vexed that I was not allowed to finish my school and as a result not being able to study ie. go to uni. I had to work and have lots of working experience, but appearantly that is irrelevant as it's not experience that seems to matter, but a paper. Even without experience you're more likely to get hired. Now I'm old and the papers begin to matter, and I have no idea where to start. Being surrounded by well educated people only, it's particularly vexing.

Thanks. :) I would suggest that you rethink it all - do you like your job? Do you see an area(s) where you want to further increase your skills? Or maybe you would like just to broaden your mind? Then select your potential uni and field of study and fill the gaps in your education according to that recruitment requirements from the uni. It might be hard but you might get a support from your employer - maybe he will be able to even pay for the studies if you agree to work few more years for him. Or at least adjust your schedule to allow you study.

This sounds very ideal scenario as I don't know how it is in your country. Anyway, you need to think about the field of study you want to develop yourself. You're older, more mature so your decision would be more mature. Anyway, good luck ! :)
Thanks! Problem is, my job is running out and changing in a way I cannot keep up with. For now, I will let things run its course and then see what happens. I'd probably have to go for something entirely new, and I have not much to go on except my language skills are better than average.
My employer will only support schooling that's useful for them, which unfortunately isn't great in this situation. I'm currently being pushed into work I have no particular talent with so it may all end in tears (not just my current frustrated ones).

Selecting a potential uni and such is also a problem. I left school when I was 18, long before there was every any talk about continuing. I have no idea where to start, having just had basic education. I have no idea how people get into a study, what to look for, where to start. I got to where I am by just working.
Thanks! Problem is, my job is running out and changing in a way I cannot keep up with. For now, I will let things run its course and then see what happens. I'd probably have to go for something entirely new, and I have not much to go on except my language skills are better than average.
My employer will only support schooling that's useful for them, which unfortunately isn't great in this situation. I'm currently being pushed into work I have no particular talent with so it may all end in tears (not just my current frustrated ones).

Selecting a potential uni and such is also a problem. I left school when I was 18, long before there was every any talk about continuing. I have no idea where to start, having just had basic education. I have no idea how people get into a study, what to look for, where to start. I got to where I am by just working.

Well.. your situation is much harder than I have expected but it's NOT impossible. You can still gain a new skills - like programming. You don't need uni courses for that. Your good language skills might be helpful as you will basically have to learn new languages - though not spoken (well.. not spoken by normal people ;) ). Now the times have changed. The entire world is different. Your current niche is changing as you've noticed. You can still wait but better start looking for something else too. Age is important and older workers are more prone to get sacked - young ones are fresh but cheaper.

As for now, I see a few alternatives for you (maybe some of them could be joined):

* Gain new qualifications, even out of your job's field - like new language, the mentioned earlier programming (advice: don't start with BASIC, it's a thing of the 80s ! ;) There are new, modern languages to get you started with it);

* Start your own business (this will require some knowledge about law - you don't have to have a law degree for it - and some capital at the start)

* Focus on your education - I know that you don't know where to start but maybe you should ask your local unemployment bureau. You don't need a new job right away but they might know where you can go further - which uni, which courses and so on.

* Wait as your situation about your work clarifies - I wouldn't recommend it (unless you want to exp & grind more in D2 / D3 meantime :p - joke). If you're very occuppied with your job and household chores, then you might be able to push yourself a bit further to learn something new (option 1).

As it's a very important matter, don't take any of the options or uni courses without thinking about it. If you choose wrong course and decide to leave it, you will have to start anew in the next year or term.

I don't have any experience about studying in other countries so my experience and advice are at least a bit limited. I hope that at least this bit is still helpful :)
Caught a paras in Pokemon Go. Kind of annoying when you live in the middle of nowhere and have to use incense constantly.

*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

*serves tequila

*serves water

*serves bourbon

Are you a certain JcakesDenton on overwatch?
Nope. Don't have overwatch
Cool, glad to hear you're going to go for the PhD! I will second what dry said, that I have made some really great online friends over the years. Many of them from here and some others from different places. I still struggle a bit to connect with people face to face, but I'm okay with that for now at least.

All this talk of old games makes me want to play D1 and WC1/2! WC2 is possibly my second most played game ever, behind D2. I bought SC2 a few months ago at the game store and haven't even opened the box XD

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I've been enjoying the coop games on sc recently.
Looks the same on Tapatalk ;)

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There is a website? Who knew.
Caught a paras in Pokemon Go. Kind of annoying when you live in the middle of nowhere and have to use incense constantly.

*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

*serves tequila

*serves water

*serves bourbon
Is pokemon go fun?
In the middle of nowhere, you kind of have to pay a little, but It's definitely fun. Will go to civilization next saturday (3 hours away) and give a full review. Currently strongest is a 351 Pidgeot. Will also be conducting more research in towns nearby this upcoming week as well.

*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

*serves tea

*serves coffee
All of the buzz about pokemon makes me consider getting it. But I kinda refuse to be sucked into this nonsense.

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My friend likes pokemon games. He's one year younger than me. I tried the original ones under Gameboy emulator. Didn't liked them. Partially because I have stuck somewhere at the beginning :)

NM is awesome.. more difficult but still not 1 hit and I'm dead. My MF finally works here ! 3 uniques in the Hole, A1 ! Including Goldwrap. I can't switch to it because I want to have higher MF and that 1 point difference in armor is not important enough to switch. Not even extra slots for potions. Yes, I still walk in Arctic set belt with 8 slots. :D
Okay, I caught up on a bit.

@corax - I did the Spartan (7km) a few years ago, and Tough Mudder (~20km) last year. They were awesome, and loved them. I would only do Tough Mudder once, as 20km is several hours and very exhausting. The shorter ones in my mind are better, but Tough Mudder was still an awesome experience.
We had someone break their knee or ankle or something, and the "medical staff" posted around the course did nothing. People waved them down, went up to them, told them iti was serious, and they just said they would radio the information off or something. Didn't even go down, or section the area off, or anything. There were people around the guy, but they were a small group who would've witnessed the fall, and were runners themselves.

You'd expect that the medical staff positioned around the course would actually be medically trained and at least make the area secure.

That's a bit worrying.
I'd love to one day attempt the true grit/tough mudder 24hr endure. just once mind you.
lining up a 12km fun run in august as my next thingy ma jiggy
Seems my previous post of yesterday got eaten by the forum. Well the window jammed and I can't be arsed to write it up again.

Pokemon? We've been told that Pokemon Go won't be released in the Netherlands for a long, long time to come...
My non-Dutch friend told me he's having a lot of fun with pokeballs. I told him to put some ointment on it.
For reference the celsius scale came about by setting 0 to be freezing point of water at atmospheric pressure and 100 to boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure.

The fahrenheit is a bit stranger for some reason he decided to set the freezing point of brine (1:1:1 ratio of water, ice and ammonium chloride) to zero. A mixture of water and ice = 32 and body temperature = 96. It was eventually reworked such that boiling point of water = 212 and freezing point of water = 32 (180 degrees of spereration).

Digging up something old, as I came across this today and had to think of it. My memory is quite random like that.
Yep. Definitely fun. Just don't play in your car driving during rush hour. I figured out the nearest poke marts and two gyms are in a town about 9 miles from me. 5 if I go there after work, so this week I'm going hunting after work.

*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves water

*serves sangria

*serves tea

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Estimated market value