diablo 3 - amazons

Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I think the true Amazon is gone sadly. There will definatly be a ranged class but I really believe it will be a ranger type. Necro is on the way out with the witch doctor being introduced imho. I also think we will see a sorc/mage type class (call it what you want) and I am praying that the paladin gets replaced with more of a monk or cleric type. Just my 2 cents :p
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I think the true Amazon is gone sadly. There will definatly be a ranged class but I really believe it will be a ranger type. Necro is on the way out with the witch doctor being introduced imho. I also think we will see a sorc/mage type class (call it what you want) and I am praying that the paladin gets replaced with more of a monk or cleric type. Just my 2 cents :p

But those options would make D3 just another RPG. I an pretty sure Blizzard don't want just another RPG. Think about it: barbarian, mage, cleric or monk, ranger. You might as well call it Guild Wars or Baldurs Gate or Neverwinter Nights. I also believe there will be a ranged class, but whether it is a ranger or something entirely new remains to be seen. I am hoping it is something entirely new, like the Witch Doctor.

Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I thought the witch doctor to be a wow clone.

I'm almost sure you will see lots of normal builds - and thus the typical classes - people will be to upset when they don't find their favourite build to be possible. The only thing they can do is try to original with the combination of the different build - i.e. like the druid now is mele character, summoner and mage which allows for some odd combinations.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I remember reading some of the Amazon lore in the booklet that came with D2. There are men in the amazon community. However, they weren't dexterous to fight in the dense jungles the communities were located in like the women were. So the men of the tribes took on a more political role in the community (tribal government), while the women took on a defensive role (warriors, military).

So, in the Diablo universe at least, there could be male Amazons. Not to sure I'd want to play one though. :p
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

one of the first things i did when the worldmap was released was to check for the isles of the amazon...in the history of the zons they were said to live on a group of islands in the twin seas...the map does show these islands.

they are labled as the skovos isles.

i did a little happy dance but something about the map just isn't right.

these islands are supposed to be covered in lush forests...broken only by the snowcovered peak of mount karcheus.

why are these islands coloured the same as the deserts surrounding lut gholein?

Re: diablo 3 - amazons

Superdave, I think I just heard a collective, "Oops!" from Blizzard's creative department. :)

Oh looky there, what's that I spy to the far north? Everquest players rejoice! The Dreadlands! :)
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

A group of islands in the twin sea and the map shows a group of islands in the twin sea. As far as I can tell, there is no reason to assume that the island around Philios and skovo are the islands the amazon live on.
There could be more small islands around skartara which do seems to have a green colour.

I would be surprised if they made such a mistake. And even if it's wrong, they'll find some sort of answer. Didn't they argue that the bugged poison vipers are working as intended?
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

looks like whoever made that map wasn't paying much attention. scosglen is supposed to be lush forest
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

maybe the desert encroached over the last 20 years.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

Off course, they all farted to much, causing the levels of methane - a strong green house gas - to climb exponentially. This again resulting in a fast rise of the temperature which is a help in the expansion of the deserts as well as the rising of the sea levels causing the islands of the Amazons to be flooded.
Conclusion, due to beans, there are no Amazons in diablo III.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I hate to be a downer but I think that when a ranged weapon class will be known for D3 it will be a assassin/rogue/thief type of char that's most likely bow/throwing/claw/daggers based and not a bow/jav amazon type. Reason being this whole ninja-like thing is pretty popular with most kids these days so Blizzard will probably use that to attract more players.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

Personally, I have different thoughts. An additional class will be of an eastern influence, but not so much Ninja as much as a Samurai type class. Assassin is more of a ninja. I wouldn't say they'll get rid of Amazon, but I agree that name is more feminine so they might change it to Ranger, Hunter, or Archer. Might even change Amazon to the Samurai class because they were pretty well trained in both bows and spears... Just no clue how they'd incorporate katanas if they were to do such a thing. Doubt it though.

After so many years, I think they'll try to leave the highly popular classes as untouched as possible and increase peoples desires to try the less popular ones like druid from what I've seen -- though I should admit I haven't really played on b.net all too much until recently.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

I also hope the amazon returns in D3. I run mostly spearazons, so a character that can wield spears well in d3 is important to me. I like spears but I wish there was a larger variety of them like the other more popular weapons.

Perhaps the best feature of the zon was her versatility. On one build you could use a javellin ,a spear and a bow. And each weapon with a skill specialization to boot. For my SP hardcore characters this means I can run hybrids or ranged weapons on switch(with skill points/skill tree to support the ranged weapon). This is very welcome against the bugged or nasty modded monsters that pop up a little too often.

And as far as defensive skills are concerned she was well versed in those as well. Valk, decoy, dodge, aviod and evade. Not too shabby. She does even better defensively with some DR/MDR and high defense figures. Oh yeah dont forget slow missles. pretty sweet skill when you are running around without a shield.

Yes, any character that replaces the zon in D3 needs to reflect this versatility in weapons and passive skills.

Otherwise I may be pushed to one weapon type if the zon (or a suitable replacement) is not in D3. A sad day for sure.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

My guess is that there might be some rogue-like class with different trees. For example, the rogue might have 1 assassin-like melee tree, other tree with various ranged skills, other tree with something else, passives/buffs or that sort of thing.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

Hunter is the most played class in WoW.

There will be a bow class in D3.
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

Surely they won't abandon ranged classes in d3, but as you can pick different sexes in d3, the name of the class will probably change to Ranger or Archer or something similar. A male Amazon is, as far as my limited brain knows, non existant.

But all you bow-lovers will probably be satisfied in one way or the other :thumbup:
Re: diablo 3 - amazons

A bow/trap hybrid would be heaven. By trap I mean assassin traps. :)
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