Why is a Troll Nest the most popular Dream shield base for sorcs?


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2004
Hello folks,

As the title says, why is a troll nest the most popular Dream shield base for sorceresses? This is something that has puzzled me for a while now, since it seems like such a universal choice whenever I read about dual Dream builds.

  1. Dream has no Increased Chance of Blocking and/or Faster Blocking Rate. It doesn't seem like a great candidate for a max block build. A sorc requires 334 dex to reach max block at lvl 85 with a troll nest.
  2. If you do invest that many points into dex, isn't your HP pool going to be pretty low?
  3. If you don't invest any points in dex, your chance to block will be close to nothing.
  4. If you're not getting any block out of the shield, why invest the strength to wear an elite one?
Help me out here :)
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It's the lightest elite shield that gets 3os and in the event that you might want to make a build using it that does block, it has a higher block rate than anything lighter. Additionally, Guardian Angel in the chest slot is a viable option for bearsorcs that do block and not just rely on a huge hp pool to absorb damage.

Bear sorcs have a fair bit of enhanced defense between bear form and whatever cold armor they're using, so an extra 130ish before skill enhanced defense is something. Maybe not insurmountably gamechanging, but it's there.

106 strength isn't actually a whole lot. If you made your Beast in a Berserker instead of a prebuff-only base, for example, you'll already have far more than enough.

The Bone Visage + Troll Nest combination looks cool.
I have a dual dream paladin and sorc comming up. Will use troll nest and bone visage for the low str req and for the looks!
Hmm, paladins with skulls and bones on their bodies, there's something wrong with that. o_O

It's a different issue for paladins. Dream can be made in a paladin shield as well which are a way better base than all the others. Also, paladins have the holy shield skill which improves base blocking a lot and makes max blocking more worth doing.
@krischan Unfortunately, I do not swim in Jah-runes. So I'd like to use the Dreams for both builds. I have no problem with a Bone-paladin, but a Grand Crown and Kurast shield 40+ all res would be the optimal style-wise of course. I have story cooked up for the paladin, he has burned his flesh off by playing with electricity in his childhood. The experiments at young age granted him godly knowledge of electricity, but did deform his noble look for the rest of his life :p
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@krischan Unfortunately, I do not swim in Jah-runes. So I'd like to use the Dreams for both builds. I have no problem with a Bone-paladin, but a Grand Crown and Kurast shield 40+ all res would be the optimal style-wise of course. I have story cooked up for the paladin, he has burned his flesh of by playing with electricity in his childhood. The experiments at young age granted him godly knowledge of electricity, but did deform his noble look for the rest of his life :p

Have you been reading my diary? o_O
Dream was always one of my favorites, it allows for some really interesting builds. The reason behind using a Troll Nest is that it has the highest defense of all (non-paladin) shields, it's also light with a low strength requirement. Blocking isn't even considered since the build using this will be a sorc 99% of the time, and thus can't afford the dexterity. A typical dream sorceress will use a CoH Archon Plate or Dusk Shroud, so if the former is chosen you will have enough strength for a Troll Nest.

One of the big debates is Bone Visage vs. Diadem. It's usually based on looks, as many prefer the latter for that reason. Personally I always preferred a Winged Helm/Mask and Scythe on my sorcy ;)

Long story short, for max defense the typical setup would be Archon Plate+Bone Visage+Troll Nest. For less strength, Dusk Shroud+Diadem+Scutum.

Edit: for Paladin dream builds, the best shield is usually considered a 45 res Vortex.
Estimated market value