Trading Profiles


Guide Author
Aug 5, 2005
Diablo 2 Trader Rating - 0%
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Trader Profile Template

Single Player Trading Rules are included in the main Single Player rules. Read them before posting.

Trade profiles should be posted in this thread. Use the blank template in the post below. Do not copy others' profiles as you may be copying their mistake but you will get your own infraction/ban

Profile Deletions

Incorrect trade profiles will generally be deleted on sight. It is your responsibility to ensure your profile is correct.
All traders who haven't logged in for approximately six months may get their profile deleted.

You may repost your profile if any of the above happens. The aim is to keep the trader list current and with up to date information. A post from seven months ago is unlikely to be that!

Profile Template

Forum Name:
Date Updated:

Versions Played

The following information must be completed for each different combination of version and mod status played.

[<Version> <HC/SC Status>]
Describe exactly what mods you use.
Describe any practices that need to be declared

[<Version> <HC/SC Status>]
Describe exactly what mods you use.
Describe any practices that need to be declared


Any other relevant information.
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Reactions: D2DC
Forum Name: maxicek
Date: 18th March 2020

Versions Played

[1.00 Classic SC]

- 100% self found (no trading allowed by rules but stated for reference.)
- I have forwarded items from Classic to 1.07 and later versions (mainly boots)
- I have never made / used items bugged by forwarding classic items to 1.10+

[1.07 SC]
- 100% self found, trading only out of this version
- Vanilla only (no mods permitted by rules in this version)
- I have never used / exploited the 1.07 dual wield bug

[1.10a SC]
- 100% self found, trading only out of this version
- Vanilla only (no mods permitted by rules in this version)
- I have forwarded items from 1.07 to this version

[1.10s SC]
- 100% self found, trading only out of this version
- Vanilla only (no mods permitted by rules in this version)
- I have forwarded items from 1.07 to this version

[1.14d SC]
- Singling for multi-instance
- I started in 1.10, so items have been found from then onwards. I was using RRM in 1.11 and 1.12.
- I have run multiple games using modified dll
- I have several ATMA bugged items - Grief, Beast etc.
- I have hot muled Gheeds in the past.
- I have moved items HC > SC in the past
- I have several items brought forward 1.07 and 1.09.
- I have Beta items too - BKWB, CtA.

[D2R SC]
- 100% self found, trading only out of this version
- No items forwarded in from previous versions, I have started from scratch
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Forum Name: D2DC
Date: Mar, 17 2020
Versions Played: 1.07, 1.09, 1.10s, 1.13d, 1.14d
Mod Status: Atma, Gomule, RWM for 1.10s, 1.13d and 1.14d
HC/SC Status: SC + HC
Other Information: Time travel items forward.
Probation Period Status: FTS

[1.14d SC FAM]
- Singling for multi-instance
- I have run multiple games using modified dll
- I have used ATMA bugged items
- I have hot muled Gheeds in the past.
- I have moved items HC > SC in the past
- I have brought items forward from 1.07 and 1.09.

1.13 -> 1.14 Transition:
Since I've begun trading for 1.14 items (in preparation for updating), I'll explain in case anybody is concerned.
  1. I have been/am using ATMA for 1.13d characters and stashes (kept in ATMA directory).
  2. Items from 1.14 that I've traded for are kept in GoMule directory (which I haven't even started using yet).
There is no ATMA link to those GoMule/1.14 stashes, and likewise no GoMule link to the ATMA/1.13 stashes. So, no way for me to accidentally cross-contaminate between patches. As it stands, I haven't done anything in 1.14 yet. Characters haven't been played, and the stashes I'm trading for are just getting parked in GoMule directory.

Update 01-08-2019:
I'm 'updating' all my 1.13 characters/stashes. Everything will now get moved to GoMule and 1.14d stashes. I've left the description of how I handled everything just in case anybody has issues with it.

Update 11-27-2019:
I've started playing some HC, but intend to play only untwinked. So, I will have plenty of extras for trade/giveaway. Not looking to trade for anything in HC though.
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Reactions: Luhkoh
Forum Name:
17 March 2020
Versions Played:
Mod Status:
HC/SC Status:
HC 1.14d
SC 1.14d (PvP only)
Other Information:
- RWM / GoMule / ATMA / multi-instance .dll
- Used CRM until it was banned for 1.13d
- Socket quest / Imbue quest rushees
- I have done and will do HC > SC transfers for PvP purposes
- [SC Only] I have and use pre-1.10final items
- [SC Only] I have and use ATMA bugged items

[HC only] Completely self found as of posting.

Update History
10 April 2020 - Started playing 1.07
31 May 2021 - HC fresh start; updated to 1.14.d
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Forum Name: Ghonn
Date Updated: 18 March 2020

Versions Played
Mod status:
HC/SC Status:
- GoMule
- Hotmule for Gheeds
-I play 100% self-found. This profile is for giving away stuff.
Forum Name: Babyhell
Date Updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/20/2022

Versions Played
[D2R HC Vanilla]

GoMule for muling-trading

GoMule for muling-trading
FAM due to transfer of items from 1.14D

[1.14D SC FAM]
RWM for runewords
GoMule for muling-trading
I have moved items HC to SC in the past
I may hotmule for gheeds only
I have and will trade for items from previous versions
I have ATMA bugged a Beast in an ethereal Berzerker Axe.

[1.14D HC FAM]
RWM for runewords
GoMule for muling-trading
I may hotmule for gheeds only
I may trade for items from previous versions

Threads references
My D2R SC trading trade - to be created!
My D2R HC trading trade - to be created!
My HC trading thread.
My SC trading thread.
My HC->SC items transfer thread (for history: not allowed anymore).
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Forum Name:
18 March 2020
Versions Played:
1.14d, D2:R
Mod Status:
HC/SC Status:
HC 1.14d
SC 1.14d, D2:R
Other Information:
- RWM / GoMule / ATMA / multi-instance .dll
- [SC Only] I have and use ATMA bugged items
- I have moved items HC > SC in the past
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Forum Name:
19 March 2020
Versions Played:
Mod Status:
HC/SC Status:
HC 1.14d
SC 1.14d
Other Information:
- RWM / GoMule
- I have moved items HC > SC in the past

Like Reply
Forum Name:

19 March 2020

Versions Played:

Mod Status:

HC/SC Status:
HC 1.13d
SC 1.13d

Other Information:
- RWM / GoMule
- I have moved items HC > SC in the past, but do so no longer.
- I have hot-muled Gheeds in the past.

Probation Period Status: Full Trade Status
Forum Name: Luhkoh

Date: 1 December 2020

Versions Played
[1.14d SC FAM]
-Hotmule for Gheeds
-Have multi-instanced for rushing characters
-100% self-found; not interested in trading; joined to participate in MFO only
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Forum Name: Vildecor
Date Updated: 26 Sep 2020

Versions Played

[1.14d SC]

-I have hotmuled Gheeds in the past

[1.14d HC]

All characters and items are fresh as of 16 March 2020 due to needing to reinstall after PC reset.

Update 9/26/20: Reflecting no more Vanilla/FAM split, no longer hotmuling Gheeds
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Forum Name: entwilighter
Date: 11/12/2020

Versions Played:

[1.00 Classic SC Vanilla]

[1.07 SC Vanilla]

- I use noCD and multiple instance
- I use ATMA
- I shift-buy Full Rejuvenation Potions
- I don't use the dual wield exploit

[1.09b SC Vanilla]
- I use noCD and multiple instance .dll
- I use ATMA

[1.10a SC Vanilla]
- I use noCD and multiple instance .dll

[1.14d SC FAM]
- I use noCD and multiple instance
- I use GoMule
- I have found, traded for and used items forwarded from 1.07 and 1.09b in 1.14
- I hot-mule Gheed's Fortune
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Forum Name: art_vandelay
Date: 9th August 2020

Trading profile for tournaments (MFO) only, I'm 100% self found in all versions.

All time traveling is done by installing classic 1.00 from CD and then upgrading through the patches. In particular no messed up directories due to version switcher blunders. No Classic straight to 1.10a+ transfers have occured. I otherwise have forwarded characters/items from older patches to newer ones.

Versions Played

[1.00 SC FAM]

- no CD .exe + multi-instance .dll

[1.05b SC FAM]
- no CD .exe + multi-instance .dll

[1.07 SC FAM]
- no CD .exe + multi-instance .dll
- I use ATMA
- I shift buy Full Rejuvenation potions
- I don't use the dual wield exploit

[1.09b SC FAM]
- no CD .exe + multi-instance .dll
- I use ATMA

[1.10a SC FAM]
- no CD .exe + multi-instance .dll

[1.14d SC FAM]
- I use Singling, in particular I use the multi-instance feature
- I use RWM
- I hotmule Gheed's Fortune
- I use GoMule
- I use ATMA for bugging ethereal weapons

EDIT: Updated for MFO (09/08/20).
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Forum Name: Fugu
Date: 23 March 2020

Versions played:
1.00 HC FAM
1.06b HC FAM
1.07 HC FAM
1.09b HC FAM
1.09d HC FAM
1.13d HC FAM

Mod Status: FAM
- I use nocd and multi for all versions prior to 1.13d, although I don't actually multi (the .dll is in there, but it is not having its intended effect)
- RWM for 1.13d
- GoMule for 1.13d, ATMA for 1.09d
- I don't hotmule Gheed's
- I don't ATMA bug
- As of this posting every item I have on all of my characters is self-found
- I have items brought as far forward as from 1.00 to 1.09d, but nothing from 1.09d (or previous) to 1.13
- I have not used any 1.07-specific bugs (dual-wielding, purchasing rejuvs etc.) except that I have exploited the cold res ring recipe
Forum Name: DariusTriplet
Date Updated: 2020-04-01

Versions Played
1.04 HC FAM
1.05 HC FAM
1.09b HC FAM
1.13d HC FAM

[1.04 HC FAM]
Singling files for no-cd, self-hosting, etc.

[1.05 HC FAM]
Singling files for no-cd, self-hosting, etc.

[1.07 HC FAM]
Singling files for no-cd, self-hosting, etc.
I don't really have anything here, other than cubed MPK rings (items ported forward from 1.05)

[1.09b HC FAM]
Modified d2gfx.dll for self-hosting and modified Game.exe for no-CD play
ATMA for muling/stashes
I haven't ported any items forward yet, but almost certainly will at some point

[1.13d HC FAM]
Modified d2gfx.dll for self-hosting and modified Game.exe for no-CD play
GoMule for muling/stashes
RWM for runewords
I've only been playing self-found in 1.13d, so I haven't ported any items foward.
I have hotmuled Gheed's before
Forum Name: Albatross
Created: 11th August 2018
Updated: 19th August 2021

Versions Played

[1.14d SC FAM]

- self-found
- using RWM, Sven's glide wrapper, GoMule
- I hot muled Gheeds and ebuged armors
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Reactions: entwilighter
Forum Name: John Remedy (fka Fast Eddie)
Date: 16 April 2020
Versions Played: 1.14d SC
Mod Status: FAM
HC/SC Status: 1.14d SC only
Other Information: RWM / GoMule. I have MP'd with fellow SPF'er @Trim
Forum Name: Tatarr
Date Updated: 21/04/2020

Versions Played
Mod status:
HC/SC Status:
HC and SC
- GoMule
- Hotmule gheeds

HC trading thread
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Reactions: Babyhell
Forum Name: WoRG
Date Updated: 28 April 2020

[1.03 Classic HC & SC Vanilla]
- Self Found, Vanilla
- Self MP via LAN
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.06 Classic HC & SC Vanilla]
- Self Found, Vanilla
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.07 HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.08 HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.09b HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.10a HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Used Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.10s HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.10f HC & SC FAM]
- Self MP via LAN
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing
- Forwarded Items to higher patches

[1.13d HC & SC FAM]
- Merged Stashes from all 'modern' patches previously played (1.11 LoD > 1.13c LoD)
- Self MP via LAN
- RWM (Ladder Runewords)
- RRM (Red Rune Mod - used in patches 1.11 LoD + 1.12 LoD. No Longer Used in 1.13 but tainted by previous use)
- Use Forwarded Items from previous patches
- Have ATMA bugged items
- Hotmuled
- HC > SC Transfers
- Hellforge Rushing

Forum Name:
29 April 2020
Versions Played:
Mod Status:
HC/SC Status:
HC 1.14d
SC 1.14d
Other Information:
- RWM / GoMule / Singling
- Keep HC/SC items separate
- Self found - Profile for tournament requirements only
Estimated market value