Poll: Why don't you try PvP?

Why don't you PvP?

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Guide Author
Aug 5, 2005
As I think most people will have seen, from the fact the PvP Thread seems to be permanently near the top of the main page, single player PvP is very active at the moment. We are playing almost every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

We have a small group of players but are always looking to recruit more. We are interested to hear your thoughts on PvP - Why don't you give it a try?
Maybe you think your characters are not good enough. Maybe it is just getting around to joining a game for the first time and pressing the hostile button.

Let us know what you think.
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I actually would like to try pvp but am strictly HC and the thought of starting over in SC and playing enough to have the wealth to have a reasonable looking character is just too much, by that time Diablo VII will be out…
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PvP isn’t in 2.4 d2r yet!

At least I assume y’all are chilling in d2Legacy.
I… have never really concidered playing PvP? Maybe in a while because right now it’s way to cold in my office/game room.

And I need to get used to the PvP mechanics
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I'd love to PvP, but my connection sucks... I do enjoy reading about y'all's exploits in the PvP thread, the theorycrafting, exploring different gear options, etc...

Hopefully, the PvP scene will still be very active when I finally get a better connection... I'll meet you on the blood moor and get whooped thoroughly until I develop those PvP skillz! :p

@coju I thought you couldn't go hostile in D2R? Did I get that wrong, or has it changed? Hard to PvP if you can't go hostile...

PvP isn’t in 2.4 d2r yet!

At least I assume y’all are chilling in d2Legacy.
That would be a new journey by itself. But I still have so much to do (1.07 mostly), so little time, and even less lately...

Aaaaaand Grip. It has to be Grip, somehow. Definitely!
I guess we are the Beer/Durf/Other club🍻
🔥Beer Crusaders🔥
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Nice idea max, and nice poll options. :D

Would be awesome if we can get (even) more people into the action. I can only encourage people to not get hung up on not having this or that item or just worrying about gear level in general. It's definitely possible to build functioning characters with very basic gear. I'm in the process of creating a thread with some info/planning/progress regarding my characters, which are still relatively new (as I am to PvP generally). Some of them use very cheap Meph-level gear but actually do better than others where I use "rare/expensive" gear. Maybe as a side effect that can convince some of you undecided guys to give it a try. :)

Plus, I'm sure the existing PvP crowd is very supportive with tips, probably even item donations if some puzzle pieces are missing here or there.
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There are a few characters that are at peak power with not so much gear needed nor powerful charms, plain lifers are good enough in those cases. Plus all of us have some friendly characters to learn PvP mechanics against. It took @ffs two days of practice to start killing my javazon comfortably, now I'm at trouble the moment he lands on my screen. On video I will show that one time I kill him while in reality I beg for mercy :D
Needs an option for "most of the PvP players are on another continent". That speed of light delay is a tough mistress.
Honestly it comes down to the glaring fact that PvP is not that enticing. Unless things have changed with regards to the "75% Damage Reduction in PvP" and all that sort of stuff, then what's the point??
Unless things have changed with regards to the "75% Damage Reduction in PvP" and all that sort of stuff, then what's the point??
Yes there's a PvP penalty, 17% of normal/PvM damage is dealt to players. But I don't fully understand, the alternative being every hit killing instantly? :D PvP is not exactly perfectly balanced overall, but that aspect is solved nicely IMO.
These are the things someone might find enticing about PvP
1. We play together and share the moment of doing it
- we don't have to say a word on forum as we are all together there killing each other and having a blast

2. Steep learning curve
- even when playing for a long time there is always a room for improvement. Some things are nearly impossible to do

3. Challenge!
- fights are highly strategical and unpredictable, you never know what will your opponent do unless he plays in a predictable way. Adapt or die

4. Highly balanced character building
- it is more like building the ultimate character type of thing. There are many layers and things to consider before building character. Resistances, AR, mana, FHR, damage reduction, absorb, skill damage, fcr... additional gear for specific matchups...

Resistances are under point 4 of balanced character building. No one said 75% resistances are needed, you could go full damage mode or something, but you will get killed very fast every time. With maxed resistances fights are at least more about strategy and less about who catches who first or killing with random traps/projectiles. And it is for a mutual benefit, it isn't so much challenge playing against opponent you kill fast because he didn't max his resistances.
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I would be interested in trying it sometime, but there are a few things holding me back:

1) I don't know anything really about pvp
2) I don't really know who on here even does it
3) Aren't there a bunch of categories? LLD, lvl19, or w/e else? I think it would be really fun to have a few lower level characters that use cool items my other characters find.
4) Isn't there some stuff that's really imbalanced? I seem to recall assassins were kind of unbeatable.
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@Arjan , @Dazliare
When I and Face entered pvp several years ago we both didn't have dedicated pvp chars, I used pvm trapper with Bartuc claw and Lidless eye (I still use her to this day with minimal stats/equipment changes) and Face used FO sorc (max FO, CM, IB) with pvm gear like wizzy and viper.

We had a blast and eventually made proper chars for pvp. The point is take a trapper/hammerdin/blizz sorc and give it a try even with pvm equipment, you can always upgrade later.

IMO nothing will motivate you more then scoring a kill with your pvm char and seeing that you can be competitive with experienced pvp player.
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@Dazliare (or anyone else) if you are interested in PvP but don't know where to start, just post that in the PvP thread. Include a list of your highest level and favourite character builds and we can help you from there.

We only have ever really played high level duelling with any regularity - I will update the PvP thread to reflect this soon.

For HLD generally (there are exceptions) you need teleport. To start PvP I would look for:
A sorceress level 90ish
Any other class level 90ish and Enigma

Pretty much we can help anyone make a PvP viable character from there.
Most imbalances that exist in PvP are about the fact some characters are harder to play than others. Melee builds in particular are harder to play than spellcasters, and the more melee build has to go, the harder it is to play (windy being harder to play than necro etc). Kinda like bowman fighting swordsman in the real life. If swordsman manages to get close, he might have an advantage. Problem is how does he actually approach alive. The same is true for PvM too, the fact that LS trapper is stronger than kicker or phoenix striker. Hammer usually being stronger than other paladin variants etc.

Assassins are strong, but beating them is about FRW and using WSG to outrun traps. It takes time to learn, but once learned, you could almost dance at trappers screen while running out of traps, even waiting for her to teleport to you to nail her with a skill. It is harder to do against whirlwind assassin, but at least she, usually, has no trap damage so you can mostly ignore those.
There's no "I'd have to go back to Legacy to participate" option so I had to blame Durf. 🤪

I tried to play one of my legacy characters this morning and everything felt so choppy that I just couldn't do it for more than ten minutes. D2R has spoiled me rotten.

Still salty about the loss of TCP/IP btw. I hope some kind of substitute will appear one day (I will not go back to bnet; it's no less toxic today than it was 20 years ago).
I added it in @Dredd

I do see lots of complaints about PvP in D2R from the BNetter though. Seems legacy is a better experience.

@Babyhell and @nulio voted games don’t fit your time zone? Have you both moved to New Zealand as last time I looked you were in Europe:D
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