North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed


New member
Jan 10, 2006
North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

I'm considering playing again this ladder (grumbles about 6 months), and I'm thinking of making move to the MUCH more active European ladder for trading. East is just a graveyard in comparison (as is West).

What kind of latency do people playing in North America run into when playing on the European servers? Any difference? Any issues?
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

Hmm, I've actually been curious about this too. Any feedback about cross-Atlantic latency?

It would also be an advantage to me because I play during the wee hours of the morning. ;)
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

I just hit the end if NM Zarn...I could get ya set up with some gear.
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

I think I'm going to try europe and sp with the runeword mod.

My problem is that a lot of the joy of Diablo for me is the trading. It's almost a giant economic simulator for me. I love bartering and could never get tired of it.

Without it, I struggle to stay motivated because I don't really have any "goals" other than the thrill of finding valuable things. I've made so many characters that I'd gladly push a button to be finished for each of them after the first one I do from scratch each ladder.
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

Come to SP Zarn.

Don't listen to the voices :wink:.

There's a reset chat thread in the Europe forum, feel free to join it.

Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

There's a better reset chat in public chat ETF through open bnet

4 people already, haven't had this many people in there in a while!
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

This could be the last d2 reset ever so europe is certainly the best place.
ETF is a place where a German rules wisely and the average sexyness of posters is much higher than elsewhere, we are just sexy semi-nerds :)
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

I think I might make a go of Europe too actually. The only concern I have is Tele-jitter where you tele to the same place twice before moving on. I put up with that for years due to crappy internet anyway, so it's not un-doable. I might try something completely different too, as in no Sorcs or Pallys.
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed


I have been an East player but decided to go Europe this time. No lag last night....
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

Well, I got a Sorc (yes, I'm aware of what I said earlier :p) up to 20 last night and tried to do some teleporting. There is a bit of skipping, but it's not quite as bad as my old internet connection. My ping was averaging around 150-200 with the occasional spike. I am wondering about staying though cause I REALLY hated my old latency and I've come to REALLY like my 50 ping! Hmm.

On a side note, I unexpectedly felt like I didn't know how to talk to people, even though everyone I encountered was speaking english. :) I think I became unsure if the abbreviations meant the same thing, like if "pp" didn't mean "party please" but something else that would get me chewed out or something! :rolf:
Re: North Americans on Europe ladder - input needed

I'm in Europe and used to play on USEast for years (from launch to 2005'ish), and it really was never a problem with lag, even though the net infrastructure was worse and I only had ISDN instead of DSL. It's unlikely to be a problem the other way around now, either. :)
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