Keyboard Fail

Oct 3, 2005
Keyboard Fail

When Im ingame, the keyboard is acting wierd. None of the non-letter keys are where they are supposed to be. I think I remember from a while back, that there was something you could write to get it back to normal..

Anyone experienced this and know how to fix it?
Re: Keyboard Fail

For me this is pretty common.

I use f1-f10 and 6-9 keys for skills, and have shift on hold position and alt as the show stuff on the floor key, so you can imagine how often I get this. =D
Re: Keyboard Fail

If you don't use the other keyboard configurations, just disable them and this shall bother you no more :p
Re: Keyboard Fail

Happens to me too sometimes... usually after muletrades... probably the game gets the layout of the person who used the mule, or something like that.

Closing D2 and restarting it solves it for me.
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