Items to keep for newcomers & veterans.

Jul 5, 2010
Hiya all.

I'd like some help filtering out my giveaway stashes for items for returning players. As per the SPTF rules though, I don't want any items worth Vex+ in the giveaway.

I'm a hoarder; and any grail duplicates, and non-grailers are all 'dumped' into my giveaway.
But now that there'a a couple thousand items in my 'giveaway' stashes, I'd like clean them out.

I'm hoping to filter out my stashes into the following tiers:

1. Garbage
  • No one wants them and I should throw it away
    • e.g. Isenheart's case
2. For newcomers
  • Most forum members have them or doesn't need them
    but it'll give a good head start to newcomers.
    • e.g. Insight/Spirit
  • SPTF rules, upper limit of Vex.
3. For veterans
  • Most forum members are looking for them
    or wants to upgrade it to better rolls.
    • e.g. Griffons/life skillers
  • Convenience items
    • e.g. envy setups
  • Crafting items
    • e.g. Ral/Sol/PAmethyst/PRuby
  • Near perfects for common setups
    • 3os/4os eth-bugged armors
    • eth Uniques (e.g. eth Andys)
4. For collectors
  • Most forum members don't need them
    but some wants them for specific builds
    or as collectables
    • e.g. 3skill/25dr ammy
Garbage will just be poofed away, and my Giveaway thread will then only host items in the tier 'For newcomers'. A new trade thread will be created for items in the tiers 'For veterans' and 'For collectors'.

With the above in mind, I'd like some help defining the boundaries of 'For newcomers' tier.

I'm pretty sure I can filter out the upper-tier of the items... So there's the upper limits of 'For newcomers' already defined.
For the lower limit, however, I want to keep any items even remotely useful for any starter builds.

But what is 'useful' for which starter builds? and hence this thread.

For example, the staple cookie-cutter blizzard sorc.
War Travs
Nagel/Mara/Fcr rings & ammy (0~3 fcr jewelry depending on spirit rolls and use of Chancy vs fcr gloves)

Tal's mask

combination of MF/@res/life/plain skillers

Of course, it'd be much better to have more viable options, so I'm not looking for very specific items.
e.g. Occy, Lidless, Ormus, Shaftstop, Vamp gaze, etc.

That's just one possible build though. Javazons, Fishyzons, Zealots, Hammerdins, Summoners, WW-barbs, etc etc etc...

Any suggestions welcome! :D

Rounding this all out with a TLDR;
Starter builds? poor-man's item setups for the builds? More variations the better. Much appreciated!
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Great thread!

I suggest every gem you found, every rune and armors/helms with sockets for gems. 3 socket-bows/swords etc! :)
@Klonki would that be for the early stages of the game? like for envy setups? Or for some mid-game runewords?

Good suggestion though, I hadn't really thought about providing early-game setups for the newcomers. Asides from the typical Envy setups, 3x PSapphire helms, 3x Tir Weapon/Shield also comes to mind. Full Sigons for those who want melee options...
My personal strategy regarding armor

For all but set/uniques wearers, I think that a 2os breast plate socketed Tal Eth (Stealth runeword, clvl req 17) is the way to start for every class.

Afterwards Vipermagi (clvl req 29) is useful also for all classes - I use to socket it Shael to get some FHR - huge for casters, still nice def and resists for everyone. I also use an ethereal Skin of the flayed one, either for merc or for melee character.

Then it brings us to the ~40 clvl armors, and there we can have some change that can be build defined. Treachery for merc, Vipermagi 4ever for casters. Runewords of interest are Duress, Stone or Smoke for resists for melee. For uniques around that levels, i'd go Duriel > Shaftstop > Skullder's ire. Guardian angel can be a step also for Paladin - I really like this armor, even if it requires specific stuff to keep doing damage and take advantage of max resists upgrade. Other specific: Wealth runeword for necro summoner if MF is targeted, but I do prefer getting some +skills while leveling, like the Bone runeword (clvl 47, SolUmUm, +2 necro with mana pool boost and 30allres) - having skillers when twinking makes me use Vipermagi, and trade wise Vipermagi is for free vs this runeword.

Now it is real endgame stuff time, no need to discuss it here ;)

Paladin specific
For paladin, i'd say start with Sigon, then switch to Milabrega. Afterwards, get back to Sigon when you are asking yourself what the hell did they do with Milabrega's set!
@Klonki would that be for the early stages of the game? like for envy setups? Or for some mid-game runewords?

Good suggestion though, I hadn't really thought about providing early-game setups for the newcomers. Asides from the typical Envy setups, 3x PSapphire helms, 3x Tir Weapon/Shield also comes to mind. Full Sigons for those who want melee options...

I always begin with trying to shop/find a 3s bow and some sapphire chippies, nothing mid-game about that :D

chipped gems, every blue items for some coins!
@Klonki @Babyhell Thanks for the feedback! Those are good twinking items; I actually started picking up 3os masks. :D

I've recently come to a realization that giveaways themselves won't do any good for the SPTF in the long run if I giveaway everything I don't need; all it's doing is letting people catch up to my level of wealth while preventing any potential trades that could've happened along the way. - I'm not 'wealthy' by most forumers' standards, but still.

Thus, I want to reduce my giveaway items to a more specific purpose: providing easy transition from random yellows and blues to 'this-should-be-good-enough' setups for running the end-game MFing targets. Hopefully it's such mediocre rarity of items that there wouldn't have been any trades happening for them anyway, but also good enough that people can appreciate the help. Think 1~2BO CtA. :p

What are some good stepping-stone setups for physical fighters? Is there any combo of items that you particularly like?

For me, it's Cleglaw's + harmony for strafers; eth Oath + Rhyme for any sword-and-boards. But that's just about all i can think off the top of my head. :confused:
I think it's really cool you're doing this. I think there should be a sticky for new players on getting help.

Once you've read the rules, you could pm an active member from a list and get some starter gear. Would be awesome for new players to SP!!!
Other thing i keep for sure for starts: stats charms! Having a bunch of Strength/Dexterity lvl req 1-6 helps a lot at start!
Poison/damage charms for non-caster characters with lvl req 6 max help too.

Unique helm suggestion: Peasant crown, clvl under 30 iirc.

Bloodfist is a clear keeper too (clvl req 9)

@dkn i'm currently updating my trading thread for that. Guess there could be some sticky thread to list people's dedicated threads!
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Estimated market value