ethereal + zod question


New member
Jun 21, 2003
ethereal + zod question

I was wondering, since Im hunting for a BotD (at least , for the runes, want to make it myself) I wanted to know if the problems with ethereal items breaking even when zod'ed is gone. I havent heard anyone anymore about in since 1.10 but just want to make sure before I go get me a nice ethereal item and then socket it with an expensive rune like zod and then after a few smashes it cracks.

regards, mallemout
In 1.09 and about a week into 1.10 if you were to socket a Zod into an item and remove it using the cube recipe it would stay indestructible. This has been fixed though.
Yes it wont break the sword will gain the attributes of the runes put in plus the mods gained by the runeword
would be kinda stupid if an ebotd broke :p, why would ppl make them then :rolleyes:

if u zod an item, it has no durability anymore, and gets the industructable mod, no repairs needed anymore, compare it to a phase blade, u dont have to repair those to, same goes for zoded item
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