Covid-19 Prepping thread

he has Jewish ancestors and a couple of his family members died from Zyklon B, the pesticide that has been used in the gas chambers of the concentration camps, invented under his conduct.
That makes for an awkward thanksgiving dinner with extended family.
I'd continue living in a mud hut for a few more years if it meant that my neighbours and family weren't loaded onto cattle cars to be experimented on by a vivisectionist, gas and disposed of in mass graves.
You kind of missed the point of the dilemma. Your neighbors and family were already loaded onto cattle cars and experimented on by a vivisectionist, gassed and disposed of in a mass grave. The deed is already done. There's no way to take it back and the guilty has been punished. Your moral high ground isn't so high anymore.

But now, sitting on the table right in front of you, are the results of those experiments. Data that can be used to save a lot of lives, cure some diseases, improve medical care around the globe. What do you do with it now, knowing what it can do and where it came from? Do you hand it to your own medical community, or do you pull out a cigarette lighter? It took you less than three minutes from the time I hit "post reply" to respond the last time. I would hope you put a little more thought behind the next one, whatever your decision. Which, in truth, is the real purpose of discussing such dilemmas.
I don't think this kind of weighing of good and evil is appropriate. Not any means justify the end. But OK, you said that no greater good was achieved.
Well that's the thing. It's not really about justifying the means. You're not making a decision on whether or not to take certain actions because those actions were already taken by someone else. Now the question is what to do with the ends. Use it, in which case the perpetrator could see it as justification of his actions regardless of how anyone else feels about them. Or dispose of it, in which case you erase any chance of any good coming from the situation. It's a tough call either way.

We know what decision the allies made back then. The fact that people like yourself don't realize how much you benefited from it is probably a good thing though. That man is certainly not someone who deserves praise and recognition. It's just one of those dark secrets nobody likes to talk about outside of context such as this.
In no way I condone his actions, I'm just glad that his "work" didn't get burned and led to some good.
Found out recently that my work is providing COVID vaccinations for all of us at no cost.
Everyone given a Covid shot in the states is getting it for free. They may still need insurance info but neither you nor your insurance company will be charged.
Yeah I know, but I did not think they would do it. Typical government red tape.
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Stuck in quarantine due to asymptomatic infected. 3 weeks with nothing to do but MF'ing
If you haven't already, sign up for the Alpha.
Getting both shots through work this month. Already got scheduling links in email.

I've been lucky over the whole thing, managed to avoid getting infected.
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Got my 2nd shot 2 weeks ago. My arm felt a little sore for 3 days.
Stuck in quarantine due to asymptomatic infected. 3 weeks with nothing to do but MF'ing
Get well soon and may all your drops be Ist+. [/crowbar swings]

I have to wait another 2-4 weeks for my vaccination. I can't believe that around this time last year we were talking about sticking black lights up our asses and gargling bleach.
sticking black lights up our asses and gargling bleach.
The first 3 days of treatment were a little rough but I quite enjoy it now.
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I can't believe that around this time last year we were talking about sticking black lights up our asses and gargling bleach.
After Tide pods and bird boxes and coins in electrical outlets, I can't say black lights and bleach were all that surprising. At some point modern human society is going to have to ask itself when do we just let Darwin run it's course.
At some point modern human society is going to have to ask itself when do we just let Darwin run it's course.
We are.

Darwin is hard at work now. He took out the guy who listened to Trump about the chloroquine. The guy bought it online from a fish antibiotics vendor.

Then there are the thousands who listened to Trump when he said that Covid was no big deal and would just disappear.

Then there are the 35% of Americans...let's call them Deplorables, who say they will refuse the vaccines. They will probably be responsible for some nasty mutation that takes the country back to Jan 2020 again.

Darwin has been and will continue to be very busy. I used to be horrified at the almost daily news articles about Republicans who didn't take covid seriously and either ended up in hospital or losing a loved one. I'm numb to that now. How do you feel sorry for people who take no precautions against a deadly virus?
He took out the guy who listened to Trump about the chloroquine. The guy bought it online from a fish antibiotics vendor.
You know that was debunked, right? They were prolific democrat donors, the wife did it to kill her husband and she used the hydroxychloroquine political circus as an excuse to cover up the crime and blame Trump at the same time. Not to mention the cold hard fact that the anti-hydroxichloroquine sentiment was entirely politically motivated.

Additionally, democrats are on record as bemoaning the fact that Trump was the one who got us not one but two vaccines in less than a year and that they would never trust a vaccine developed under the Trump admin. Why? Because Trump. That's it. No rational or scientific basis behind it. Just pure hatred and bile.

So if you think it's exclusively those with politically right leaning views who are "anti-science" and making the virus harder to deal with, then I've got a bridge you might be interested in purchasing from me.
You know that was debunked, right?
No. The death was ruled accidental by the Maricopa Medical Examiner. No charges were laid.

Trump amplified and pumped up demand for the drug. The couple read about it in a newspaper and decided to take it. If not for Trump, there is a very good chance Gary Lenius would still be alive. Misinformation like Trump regularly spews can be deadly.
Riggghhhht. Because it makes total sense that an engineer and his wife who are registered democrats and prolific donors to the democrat party would see Trump on T.V. saying there's promising reports coming out about hydroxychloroquine (which there were) and decide to drink fish tank cleaner. Yup, definitely all Trumps fault. :rolleyes:
Not to mention the cold hard fact that the anti-hydroxichloroquine sentiment was entirely politically motivated.
No it was not. Have you ever read a medical or research paper or do you just pull statements like that out of your ass because it helps you justify your insane world view?
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