2022 Spring RFL Sign Up and Running Thread: Round 3 (Areas)


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Guide Author
Mar 14, 2020
Let me warmly welcome you all to the final round of the 2022 Spring RFL! The final round, for all the marbles . . . metaphorically speaking, remember there isn't a prize except the blessing of the Zod God :) This thread is for signing-up and talking about the third and last round of this tournament.

What is RFL?
RFL stands for Rune Finding League. RFL is a free for all rune finding tournament that has three individual parts. You can participate for every three round or pick only one or two.

During this contest we farm runes in various areas during 3 weeks periods, with one week of rest and planning between each round. Players get points based on rarity of the rune (not its level) and at the end each player posts top 5 highest scored runes to get the final score.

For the first round we run Cow level, second is about running Travincal Council Members, and for the last round we run areas of one's own choice.

When is RFL?
  • Round 1 (Cows): 0:00 Friday, March 11 through 23:59 Sunday, March 27 [Running] [Results]
  • Round 2 (Travincal): 0:00 Friday, April 1 through 23:59 Sunday, April 17 [Running] [Results]
  • Round 3 (Areas): 0:00 Friday, April 22 through 23:59 Sunday, May 8
So, this third round starts on Friday, 22 April at 0.00 and ends on Sunday, 8 May at 23.59. Sign-up is open for each round until the end.

Standings after two rounds:
nulio (1.07) (18 pts)
WoRG (1.07/1.08) (12 pts)
Gripphon (10 pts)
HanShotFirst (10 pts)
Excalibur (9 pts)
Silvio415 (6 pts)
Vildecor (5 pts)
Nano (2 pts)
Maxicek (1 pt)
ffs (1 pt)

General rules
These are rules that stand for all the three rounds. Specific rules for the first round are posted below.
  1. For each round, running time is limited to 20 hours of playing (when you mule to stash or in ATMA/GoMule, you can pause clock/counter/online stopwatch or whatever you use). However, when you finish your 20 hours of running, you can start a new batch of running which is again limited to 20 hours of playing. You can play as many batches as you want.
  2. You are not allowed to start a new batch as long as you don't finish full 20 hours of the previous one.
  3. Every batch is scored individually, and you will get points towards the league according to your best batch from each round.
  4. Best batch is the one where your top 5 runes give the most scores. Scoring can be found below.
  5. Screenshots of runes are not required, but I assume people would like to see them anyway. You are encouraged to post your findings...
  6. ... but only after each round is finished! Don't post your qualifiers when the round is still going. You are warmly welcome to discuss your other findings however. But remember: Don't post your qualifying runes!
  7. Runes qualified (giving scores) are all Pul+ runes.
  8. Cubing runes into higher ones is not allowed. In other words don't cube Pul runes into Um to get a higher score.
  9. Versions allowed: 1.13-1.14 and D2R. Also versions 1.07-1.09 are allowed.
Round 3 Rules
You can run any areas in the game you want (APART from Cow level and Council members). Running areas where all runes can drop is encouraged! ONLY drops from monsters count . You are free to hit chests and objects but runes from these WON'T count (so LK chests aren't really a good option for scoring).

Scoring is based on rarity of runes, not level. System is the same as we had earlier during RFOs and Zodthon. Combine the points of the top 5 runes from your best batch each round.

Pul 3.4
Mal 5.0
Um 5.1
Gul 7.1
Ist 7.5
Ohm 10.1
Vex 10.6
Sur 13.7
Lo 15.1
Jah 18.3
Ber 20.5
Cham 27.5
Zod 71.8 (not available for the 2nd round)

Pul 19.4
Um 29.1
Mal 38.7
Ist 58.0
Gul 77.2
Vex 115.7
Ohm 153.0
Lo 229.6
Sur 308.2
Ber 462.3
Jo 615.8
Zod 739.3
Cham 923.7

Towards the whole competition, however, you will get points after each round depending on your placement.

Scoring towards the whole RFL:
After each round is done, you will get points toward the whole RFL depending your placement that round.

1st: 10 points
2nd: 8
3rd 6
4th: 5
5th: 4
6th: 3
7th 2
8th: 1

And remember, only your best batch from each round counts. While we crown every winner from each round, the biggest champion is of course the overall winner.

The Champion of the RFL is the player who has the most points given by placements total.

In case of a tie after three rounds, the winner is the one with a higher scoring rune from Areas. If that is a tie as well, we check the Travincal, and then Cows. If all three are still the same, it's 2nd best from Areas etc.

Sending results
PM me your top 5 runes from your best batch. Please do this immediately after you have stopped running so that we can have results and standings after each round ASAP. Also PM me if you didn't run. Your PM should include: Forum name, five runes, five scores, and the total score. Example:

Zod 71.8
Cham 27.5
Lo 15.1
Lo 15.1
Ist 7.5
total: 137

After receiving your results, I'll make the results thread for each round. There you can brag about your runes, and also post screenshots of your top 5 runes, at least. This is not mandatory however. Claiming to have found 5 Zods may seem strange without screenshots though.

Eternal glory and the seal of approval from the Zod God.

Please state if you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2
maxicek (D2R)
WoRG (1.07 HC)

This sign-up is for "Areas" only. Please post with comments or suggestions, or to discuss your builds, running tactics, finds apart from qualifiers etc.! Everything regarding the tournament in general.

Good luck and HAVE FUN!
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Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.


* * *

I plan to run with a Necro in the Pit, unless I can get an Ohm and Ist to drop in the next week to allow building CtA on a Sorc who would run CS.
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Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)



Oh look, an excuse to play more.

I plan to run with a sorceress in AT, unless I can get a Mal and Ist to drop in the next week to allow building CtA on a sorceress who would still just run AT anyway (except at /p7).
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Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)

Haven't decided what I will run but most likely I will target completely random areas with my Fire Sorcy just because I want to level her up.
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Probably AS with Javazon, haven’t shown her any love in recent years and I’m mostly looking for charms, jewels and crafting stuff. But Pit with Necro or Nova Sorc remains an alternative.

Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
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Reactions: PhineasB
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)

I'll be back with my would-be-UT99er Lightning Sorceress, and I'll be running CS.
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Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)

I'll be running either a FoH Pally (if I can level on fast enough this week) or my still alive after round 2 hopeful UT99er HC Wind-Druid in Chaos. Which reminds me, I need to make an entry post in that thread.
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Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)

I'll try to stick mostly with my poison nova necro in the Pit, but I might run some Chaos hdin and Ancient Tunnels blizz sorc.
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Reactions: PhineasB
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
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Reactions: PhineasB
The first 2 rounds have confirmed that I don't like farming the same area over and over again. It's boring to me!

So, this time I'm going to run WSK, River of Flame and CS and give a few other areas a spin too.

Sign Up

Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14

If there's RFL round 3
And you need r00nz
Who ya gonna call?
Amazon ghostbuster!
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Reactions: ffs
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2

20 hours being a long time to me, I imagine I'll be doing a mixture of CS, Pindle+Halls of Pain+Halls of Anguish and WSK2-3+Baal's Waves+Baal(maybe). And honestly, who knows what else.

I only have one fully completed Paladin and he has been a Zealer this entire time. I MAY consider a respec to a Hammerdin for this round.

I'll only do this if my WF+Might Merc Bowzon struggles(I haven't finished game with her, but been playing only Players 8, so a regress from P8 and maybe she'll clear our CS very easily on a lower level). That and if my pretty strong and well built Blizzard Sorc, Javazon and Zealdin ALSO struggles in certain areas, like WSK+CS and MAYBE Pindle+next two areas underneath him, I may just breakdown and respec to Hammerdin and go that easy route. I may mix in Pits/AS/AT as well AS/IF I get bored of other areas OR strikeout.

Although I heve never found a Zod and I really badly want a couple for an all but 2% Perfect, Eth Heaven's Light (2os ofc) I want to Zod+(I'll ask for opion on Lo/Ber/Ohm/40-15 to go with Zod) and some Runewords with Zod in it, like BotD. Unless I make an Assassin that ends up using the Heaven's Light to toss those throwing stars BEFORE I get a Zod. So maybe I'll skip AS on this, since I don't think it goes up to Zod?

I'm hoping after this RFL is over, the new influx of high runes will ower the price a little and my massive collection of Gems, Crafting Runes and various items that people will probably want, will allow me to get some Cham/Zod Runes to make some Runewords I don't have, due to not finding antying over Jah on this current Single Player Run (my second or third one due to not backing things up and losing hard drive or computer, lol).

This SP run is BY FAR my best SINGLE PLAYER RUN. Of course on the bot/dupefest BNET, I've managed to accumulate and build all sorts of items thanks to OTHER PEOPLE cheating and flooding the market with easily attainable great items, Runes and RWs. This SP Community is WAY more fun.
I considered joining for round 1 and 2, but could not get that spark. AoE2DE has me sucked in hard (with the very few hours I have per week). But I will give it a go for round 3.

I will be running my /players 1 only, untwinked Fishyzon aiming for the top 95%.

Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2
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Reactions: PhineasB
I'm all patched up & stashes migrated. Considering I only have one character in D2R it was a surprising amount of junk.

Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2
maxicek (R2R)

Why do we need to state D2R, do we get an extra four hours to compensate for the load times? :p
I find myself torn... I had really planned to run 1.07 CS with my Zon, but I'm also wanting to try Act5 Icy Cellar/Snipsnap running in 1.08 with my whirler... Guess I'll start in 1.07, and if I finish fast enough, do a 2nd set in 1.08...

I'll do a few test runs in 1.08 in the next couple days and if I really like them I may change my mind... I'll update if so.

Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2
maxicek (D2R)
WoRG (1.07 HC)

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Reactions: PhineasB
Sign Up
Please state IF you are running v1.07, 1.08, 1.09, or D2R.
Nagisa (D2R)
Excalibur (D2R)
HanShotFirst (D2R)
Kstil3227 (D2R)
LouB 1.14
abridged (D2R)
Jamie 1.14d OGD2
maxicek (D2R)
WoRG (1.07 HC)
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Reactions: PhineasB
Wow, it's nearing Friday (or Friday already in other places)! Good luck to all the runners, and looking forward to seeing alll the shiny rocks (and awesome non-qualifiers)!
Estimated market value